Mesmo uma morte por TB ou SIDA é uma morte a mais. Dispomos dos instrumentos necessários para encontrar todos os casos de tuberculose e VIH, tratá-los com medicamentos eficazes e impedir a transmissão de ambos (tuberculose e VIH). Apesar dos progressos na luta contra a tuberculose e a SIDA, temos de reconhecer que também estamos a falhar.
Event summary
Even one TB or AIDS death is a death too many. We have the tools to find all TB and HIV, treat all of them with effective medicines, and prevent any further transmission of both of them (TB and HIV). Despite progress in the fight against TB and AIDS, we must recognise that we are failing too.
Globally in 2022:
(source: WHO Global TB Report 2023 and UNAIDS)
Call for 100-100-100 If we are to end AIDS, we have to ensure that along with 100-100-100 (100% of people with HIV know their status, 100% of people with HIV are on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy, and 100% of them are virally suppressed), we also have to ensure that no one suffers or dies of TB. We must ensure that 100% people with HIV know their TB status (on an ongoing basis), 100% of those with active TB disease are treated with medicines that work on them, and 100% of them are using a full range of appropriate combination prevention options to stop further spread of TB and HIV infections.
#ItsTime to do more on preventing TB too!